Mr. Patrick Crall » Case Manager

Case Manager

CASE MANAGEMENT Understanding Special Education -CPS

The case management office facilitates questions/concerns regarding diverse learners and holds meetings for students and families needing or continuing with special education services or inquiries.

If you have any questions you would like to address regarding your child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan please contact us for an appointment. The related services providers are not at Locke every day and are available on different days of the week.

My role

As the case manager for Locke School, I am responsible for:

  • Coordinating all referrals for a Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) to ensure that all required components are addressed and that the process is completed within 60 school days after receiving signed parent/guardian consents, including but not limited to, referrals for Assistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) evaluations or functional behavioral assessments (FBAs).
  • Ensuring that all parent/guardian notices and consents for FIEs and placements are processed and provided in the primary language where feasible and placed in the student temporary files.
    • Ensuring an interpreter is invited to all IEP conferences (including initial and reevaluation eligibility determination meetings, and annual reviews) for parents/guardians who are limited English proficient.
  • Convening and chairing IEP conferences (including initial and reevaluation eligibility determination meetings, and annual reviews) and acting as the District Representative.
  • Arranging special education and related services for a student within the school in accordance with the students IEP and contacting ODLSS to arrange assignment in another school if necessary to implement the IEP.
  • Consulting with the ODLSS District Representative regarding students who require low-incidence services or regarding problems that develop in the implementation of procedures.
  • Facilitating the development of a Summary of Performance, as appropriate, that includes information about the student’s desired post-secondary goals; academic achievement and functional performance; and recommendations on how to assist the student in meeting their postsecondary goals.
  • Finalizing each student’s IEP in the SSM at the IEP meeting and providing the student’s parents/guardians with a copy.
  • Ensuring that all relevant student data is entered into the SSM in a timely manner.
  • Coordinating all meetings related to IEP reviews and revisions, when necessary.