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SPANISH 219-Angel HR-A219 Assignments

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Past Assignments


Summative   in Google Classroom


Take a picture of your notes. #30 - #54
Tomen una fotografía de su vocabulario. #30 -#54


Formative Classifying #3 in Google Classroom

Formative Classifying #3

Find 10 words that are "agudas" and 10 words that are "graves". You must look up different words from the ones we practiced in class. 
You must divide the words in syllables and underline the strongest syllable by .
Final step, take a picture of your notes and submit. 
  If you need help dividing the words in syllables, use this website:
Aguda is a word where the emphasis is placed on the last syllable. 
Grave (also known as llana) is a word where the emphasis is placed on the penultimate syllable (second to last syllable).

Deben de encontrar 10 palabras que son agudas y 10 palabras que son graves. Las palabras deben de ser  diferentes a la practicamos en clase. 
Deben de dividir las palabras en sílabas y subrayar  la sílaba más fuerte.
Último paso, deben de tomar una foto de su trabajo y entregarlo

Si ocupan ayuda en dividir las palabras en sílabas, usen esta pagina:


Part 5: todo sobre mi in Google Classroom

Part 5: todo sobre mi

I am checking sentences 9 and 10. Make sure you send me a picture of your work.

extra credit if you complete sentences 11 and 12.


Part 2: Todo sobre mi  in Google Classroom

Part 2: Todo sobre mi

Take a picture of your sentences and submit.


Exit Slip in Google Classroom

Exit Slip

Is the stressed syllable (the syllable with the loudest and strongest sound)
marked correctly? Correct or Incorrect!
¿Está la sílaba acentuada (el sonido más alto y fuerte - acento
natural) marcada correctamente? ¡Correcta o incorrecta!


Graves Assignment in Google Classroom

Graves Assignment

Instrucciones: Copie y divida en sílabas todas las palabras GRAVES. Marque la sílaba acentuada (la que se pronuncia con el sonido más alto y fuerte).
Copy and divide all GRAVES words into syllables and mark the stressed syllable (the syllable with the highest and strongest sound).


Classification of words in Google Classroom

Classification of words

take a picture of your notes


Journal Entry # 2 antepenultima silaba in Google Classroom

Journal Entry # 2 antepenultima silaba

Upload your notes here please of the antepenultima silaba.


Journal Entry #1 in Google Classroom

Journal Entry #1

Send me a picture of your notes


POP QUIZ in Google Classroom


Pop Quiz
Step One: Divide the words and syllables.
Step two: Underline the strongest.
Step three: Take a picture of your work and upload it to Google Classwork.
1. hable-
2. comi-
4. padre-
5. cante-
7. aquí-
8. violín-
9. nuevos-
10. lunes-


Introduction (First Assignment)  in Google Classroom

Introduction (First Assignment)

Follow Ms. Angel's directions on Google Meets.

You must create a slide with your name, date and room number. Each line should have a different font color. You must also add at least one or two images of things that you like. This will be the introduction to yourself for next week class. Don't forget to submit your work.

Answer these questions for each slide. Contesten estas preguntas en cada slide.

1. What are your parent’s nationalities?
¿Que nacionalidad son sus padres?
2. Tell me something that you did this summer, or you wished you could have done.
Dime una cosa que hiciste este verano o algo que quisiste hacer.
3. What is your favorite Spanish food?
¿Que es tu comida latina favorita?
4. Tell me something that makes you interesting.
¿Dime algo que te hace interesante?


Do you like helping people who are having a hard time learning Spanish? And/Or are you an expert with technology?  Ms. Angel is looking for some amazing Spanish tutors! This is completely optional. Please respond to this question.  in Google Classroom

Do you like helping people who are having a hard time learning Spanish? And/Or are you an expert with technology? Ms. Angel is looking for some amazing Spanish tutors! This is completely optional. Please respond to this question.

In order to be a tutor, you must complete your own homework first and must be passing all of your classes.