SPANISH 220-Angel HR-A220 Assignments

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Project - Summative in Google Classroom

Project - Summative

Step 1: From all the 54 vocabulary words, pick 16 of your choice. Write each word in a different square.
Step 2: Divide all words into syllables.
Step 3: Identify the words if they are aguda, grave or esdrujula.
Step 4: Capitalize and bold the stressed syllable of all the words.
Step 5: Add a picture/image that best represents the vocabulary word. The picture/image should be on top and the vocabulary word on the bottom. 

We will complete this on June 8th in class.


Classwork Voc Notes in Google Classroom

Classwork Voc Notes

Take a picture of your notesw


Part 2: Website Search. in Google Classroom

Part 2: Website Search.

We will work on this on Tuesday for the next class. I need to address some issues in regards to your paragraph. 

Website Search:Directions:
 Visit the following websites to learn more about the history of Cinco de Mayo. Write a summary about what you learn. The paragraph must me in your own words! Do not copy straight from the internet. Anybody that copies from internet, word for word will fail this assignment. Answer these questions in a well written pararaph:

Why did the French attack Mexico?

How the outnumbered Mexican army was able to defeat the powerful French army.
What did this victory enable the United States to do?

Why is this holiday important to the Mexican people?
Why is this celebration important to Americans? 


Make sure you reread your paragraph and check for spelling.
Phase 3: You must write your paragraph in Spanish.
Phase 2: You may write some things in English and in Spanish.
Phase 1: You can write it in English with some words in Spanish.


Classifying #2 in Google Classroom

Classifying #2

Find 10 words that are "agudas" and 10 words that are "graves". You must look up different words from the ones we practiced in class. 
You must divide the words in syllables and underline the strongest syllable with a highlighter or underline it.
Final step, take a picture of your notes and submit. 
  If you need help dividing the words in syllables, use this website:
Aguda is a word where the emphasis is placed on the last syllable. 
Grave (also known as llana) is a word where the emphasis is placed on the penultimate syllable (second to last syllable).

Deben de encontrar 10 palabras que son agudas y 10 palabras que son graves. Las palabras deben de ser  diferentes a la practicamos en clase. 
Deben de dividir las palabras en sílabas y subrayar  la sílaba más fuerte.
Último paso, deben de tomar una foto de su trabajo y entregarlo

Si ocupan ayuda en dividir las palabras en sílabas, usen esta pagina:


Part 1 Edpuzzle - Cinco de mayo in Google Classroom

Part 1 Edpuzzle - Cinco de mayo

You must watch the whole video and answer every single question in order for you to get a score. The video is 7 minutes long. If you are having troubles watching this video, let me know asap. 


Assignment #1= Classifying  in Google Classroom

Assignment #1= Classifying

Step 1: Divide the words in syllables.
Step 2: Your answers should be all in lowercase. 
Step 3: Double check your spelling.
You need to get a 20. You may do as many times until you get a 20. 


Final: todo sobre mi/ Summative in Google Classroom

Final: todo sobre mi/ Summative

Step 1: Add a background. Make sure it doesn't blend in with the text. 
Step 2: Add the sentences from "Todo sobre mi". You must have at least the strongest syllable of each word underlined. If possible, add the highlighted sections of each word. 
Step 3: Add a picture of yourself.
Step 4: Play with the font.
Step 5: Check your spelling.
Step 6: Make sure you have a nice colorful slide. Do not submit slides that are plain. I gave you more than enough time to complete this project. 
Step 7: You should only have one slide.


Draft #2: todo sobre mi in Google Classroom

Draft #2: todo sobre mi

You must type your poem, todo sobre mi.
You must underline the strongest syllable for each word that has more than one syllable.
If the word has more than one syllable and you do not know where is the strongest syllable, highlight it yellow.
This is due 02/23/2021


1st draft- Todo sobre mi in Google Classroom

1st draft- Todo sobre mi

You will answer the questions from the doc in Spanish correctly. You will then take a picture of your notes and submit.


Dia de los muertos presentation in Google Classroom

Dia de los muertos presentation


Exit Slip in Google Classroom

Exit Slip

Is the stressed syllable (the syllable with the loudest and strongest sound)
marked correctly? Correct or Incorrect!
¿Está la sílaba acentuada (el sonido más alto y fuerte - acento
natural) marcada correctamente? ¡Correcta o incorrecta!


Graves Pop Quiz in Google Classroom

Graves Pop Quiz

Instrucciones: Copie y divida en sílabas todas las palabras GRAVES. Marque la sílaba acentuada (la que se pronuncia con el sonido más alto y fuerte).
Copy and divide all GRAVES words into syllables and mark the stressed syllable (the syllable with the highest and strongest sound).


Classification of the words #3 in Google Classroom

Classification of the words #3

Take a picture of your notes.


Journal Entry #2 Antepenultima Silaba in Google Classroom

Journal Entry #2 Antepenultima Silaba

Post your notes with a picture


Pop Quiz in Google Classroom

Pop Quiz

Post your work from todays class. This will be your exit slip.


Journal Entry #1 in Google Classroom

Journal Entry #1

You must take a picture of your Spanish Notes.
If you were absent, please ask a classmate to let you copy their notes.


Do you like helping people who are having a hard time learning Spanish? And/Or are you an expert with technology?  Ms. Angel is looking for some amazing Spanish tutors! This is completely optional. Please respond to this question.  in Google Classroom

Do you like helping people who are having a hard time learning Spanish? And/Or are you an expert with technology? Ms. Angel is looking for some amazing Spanish tutors! This is completely optional. Please respond to this question.

In order to be a tutor, you must complete your own homework first and must be passing all of your classes.


Introducing Yourself in Google Classroom

Introducing Yourself

Follow Ms. Angels directions for this assignment.